Flash Photo Display

3 digit seven segment display that increments the displayed value after each flash photo that is taken of it. This display was created as a term project for an art class in my senior year of high school. I wanted to develop a work that analyzed itself and left each viewer with a unique receipt of their interaction with the piece.

Video of the functioning display. The value refreshes immediately after each photo.
The light sensor calibrates itself to the ambient light level and the control program is smart enough to pick up on both camera and phone flashes while filtering out false positives.
The display is made out of a 17” x 8” x ½” board with counterbored holes for the LEDs. A ¼” thick sheet of translucent polycarbonate serves as a diffuser.
The display senses flashes through a simple photoresistor. An Arduino microcontroller reads the photoresistor and drives the seven segment digital display.